With many SLC programs, students can transfer credits to go on and complete a bachelor’s degree.
Chances are, if you need medical care in Kingston, Brockville, or Cornwall, you’ll meet a St. Lawrence College graduate from a Health Sciences program. Whether it’s a registered or practical nurse, a paramedic, a personal support worker, a lab technician running tests, or having your health records maintained, health care is a career taken up by many St. Lawrence College (SLC) graduates. In fact, the Kingston Health Sciences Centre is among the top five employers of SLC graduates.
Registered Nurse Olivia Kaack is a recent graduate from the Bachelor of Science Nursing program at SLC (offered in collaboration with Laurentian University). She found that the hands on experience of the program prepared her well for shifts in the dialysis unit at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre.

“On one of my first shifts my patient coded and needed to be sent to the ICU. As nerve wracking as that was, I knew what to do and how to keep calm and composed,” Olivia said. “We practiced codes so many times in the nursing simulation lab at SLC, our professors ensured we had enough practice.”
Olivia and her fellow students received this expert training in the brand new, state-of-the-art simulation labs on all three SLC campuses, part of a major upgrade to the college’s teaching and learning facilities designed to offer the best experiential learning opportunities. “I chose the collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing at SLC because I wanted to learn in a smaller classroom and develop relationships with my professors,” Olivia said. “I’m proud to call them colleagues now and I would never hesitate to ask for their guidance. I had two jobs lined up before I even graduated!”
SLC offers a wide range of programs in Health Sciences, including Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant. With many SLC programs, students can transfer credits to go on and complete a bachelor’s degree.
Health Science programs:
■■Bachelor of Science in Nursing (offered in collaboration with Laurentian University)
■■Biotechnology Advanced…
Learn about the joint program between SLC and Queen’s University which combines a degree and diploma in Biotechnology. The new interdisciplinary program, with a strong emphasis on laboratory-based learning, will combine the applied training of a college diploma and the research acuteness of a university degree, ensuring that students graduate with a unique set of skills and hands-on experience.
■■Environmental Technician
■■Fitness and Health Promotion
■■Health Information Management
■■Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician Paramedic
■■Personal Support Worker
■■Practical Nurse
■■Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees… allows you earn credits toward a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) at Queen’s University
■■Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas
■■Veterinary Assistant
■■Veterinary Technician