With over 75 full-time, part-time, certificate, diploma, collaborative degree, and apprenticeship programs, plus over 200 pathway articulations for continued education opportunities, your number 1 goal of post-secondary education starts at Northern College!

Higher Education at Northern College means staying current with curriculum and technology, upgrading facilities, building new facilities to give students a better learning experience and competitive edge entering the workforce.

That being said, Northern’s brand new 40,000 square foot Integrated Emergency Services Complex at our Timmins campus opened this fall. Home to our Pre-Service Firefighter, Paramedic, Paramedic Bridging, and Police Foundations programs, this complex features state-of-the-art facilities, which including a mock courtroom, jail cell and exterior intersection, interview and fingerprint rooms, scenario labs, and fire, ambulance and police vehicle bays. The Advanced Disaster Management Simulator (ADMS) system integrated into the facility’s technology provides true-to-life virtual environments and scenarios. This training system, used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is first of its kind in Canada.

Why Study at Northern College?

Our small class sizes allow you to develop close-working relationships with your professors, and your fellow classmates. With our unique programs, and state-of-the-art facilities at our four campuses, you’ll be learning in the best training environments, gaining hands- on experience before you enter the workforce, or continuing your education pathway.

Why Stay?

With strong, vibrant and growing economies in the north there are excellent employment opportunities after graduation, not to mention the affordable cost of living compared to major urban centres. Enjoy urban living, with a mix of cottage life in our small safe communities.

Why Play?

As a student at Northern, or a Northern graduate choosing to live and work in the north, you’ll have so many things to take advantage of while not in class, or on the job. From indoor to outdoor activities, there is so much to do all year round, season to season. You can still experience urban life with theatre, shopping, restaurants, nightlife, concerts and more, but also enjoy what cottage life has to offer. Be connected to hundreds of lakes and rivers within minutes from our campus communities. Make it a weekend getaway, or make it a lifestyle choice living by the water and nature year round, the opportunities are endless.

While attending Northern College at any of our four campus locations in Northeastern Ontario, there is always something to see, do and experience.

Discover more at northerncollege.ca